Home Defense
The Home Defense class is a great way for you to learn how to begin to change your mindset about defending your home. In this class, you will learn about the changes you can make to your home and its security.
You will also learn what weapons are best for you and your specific home situation. Is that a pistol? A rifle? We will touch on all of that and more.
This is a NON-LIVE FIRE course. However, after this class, you can work with our instructors to begin training with a new mindset.
You will leave this class with the knowledge to defend your home and the confidence to know your home is safe.
Topics Covered:
Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
Self-Defense Firearms Basics
Offensive Shooting Fundamentals
The Legal Use of Force
Violent Encounter and Their Aftermath
Gear and Gadgets
Basic and Advanced Skills
Class Length:
2 - 2.5 hours
​Cost: $50